School Council

On the 16th January, School Councillors met to discuss our Etone Values and how they are reflected in the actions and work of students both inside and outside the classroom. The School Councillors then broke off into groups and focused on the Etone Value for this half term – Integrity – and they produced spider diagrams on the ways that students demonstrate this important value. Here are just a few examples of the ideas that they came up with:

Etone students show integrity when:

  • They choose to try their best in lessons, no matter how challenging the work might be
  • They encourage their peers to do the right thing, such as focusing on improving work
  • They reflect on mistakes and think about how they can do better in the future.

Following the meeting, School Councillors took Etone Value posters back to the form rooms to display on notice boards. 

On the 23rd January, School Councillors met with our Headteacher, Mr Smith, to discuss with him their ideas for Etone – what we do well as a School, and what we can do even better. At the start of the meeting, Mr Smith met with some of our Year 10 Councillors to discuss the Pupil Voice feedback on the Etone Cafe, where the idea of different food themes linked to festivals and the College curriciulum was positively discussed. Mr Smith then moved on to discuss with the entire Council their aspirations for Etone, their suggestions to help make the student experience at Etone even more rewarding.

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Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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