
Staff Wellbeing

At Etone College, we place a very strong importance on wellbeing for all members of our community. This includes a commitment to staff wellbeing. We place staff wellbeing and workload at the heart of our decision taking and policy making. We meet regularly with a staff group which includes representatives from each faculty to listen to their views on workload and wellbeing and respond swiftly to their suggestions. At Etone College we:

  • Place a very strong emphasis on a whole school approach to wellbeing
  • Have an open door policy and listen to the needs of our staff
  • Regularly survey our staff to collect their views on workload and wellbeing
  • Carry out face to face meetings with staff to collect and respond to their needs
  • Value every member of staff for the contribution that they make to our school community
  • Place workload and wellbeing at the heart of our decision making
  • Are committed to responding to all DfE document including the Workload Reduction Toolkit and the Wellbeing Charter

We underpin everything that we do with our Etone Values -  we are both a caring and supportive school for all members of our community.  At Etone College, we take a collegiate and shared approach to our work and are a solution focused school – everybody benefits because everybody contributes.


Etone Book Bulletin

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Department for Education Wellbeing Charter

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ECF Plus

At Etone College, we are committed to delivering the Early Career Framework but also take every opportunity to ensure that our provision goes above and beyond. Click on the link to find out more about our Etone ECF Extras offer

Previous News Stories

Read all about some of our Good News stories for staff and pupil wellbeing below. 


Coffee Morning
Time to talk
Dress up
time to talk