Attendance really does May-tter for Phoenix

As you know at Etone College we value education beyond anything else. Every pupil has the right to a high quality education that enables progress for all. As part of that the message and ethos we continue to share with pupils is the importance of attendance. When you consider the impact that poor attendance can have on a pupils learning it’s easy to see why being present each day is important. However, at Etone we go beyond this to install a real love of learning and intrinsic value that pupils themselves relate to their own learning.

On the final week of term 22nd May – 26th May our pupils took part in our ‘Attendance May-tters’ challenge to ensure their form achieved the highest attendance in their year group. Across the week the message of attendance was shared by Heads of House in assembly as they all had their sights set on the Attendance Trophy awarded at the end of term. For Centaur, currently in 4th place they had a mini mountain to climb to overturn the lead that Dragon, Griffin and Phoenix have on them. With Phoenix still ruling the roost the aim was to increase their lead against an increasing Griffin, with Dragon hoping to leapfrog in the battle for first place.

As the penultimate challenge for attendance, our pupils played their role by attending each day and adding to the ‘jigsaw puzzle’ which is their attendance. Across the week our pupils attended 3% more than the final week of Summer 1 Half Term last year. This is really important as attending each day helps relieve stress of missing important information, access the full curriculum offering and develop Employability skills that will help pupils across their lives.

Overall, the week was a red win as Phoenix sweep the board with the highest attendance for each year (7-11) achieved by a Phoenix form. An amazing result for Mr Baggot who extends his lead on the overall competition and steers the House to their third consecutive attendance trophy – Can any of the Houses rally in the final Half Term? 

All of our winners will revive

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