
End Of Year Summer Party

The Smestow Heads of House are inviting you to end the academic year in style at our “End of Year Summer Assembly” on Friday 19th July! ☀️ 

Join us for an unforgettable celebration filled with singing and dancing performances, exciting competitions, awards and lots of summer themed fun! 

Don’t miss out – see you there! 



After the close of the Football season our academy scholars are busy with building their knowledge of the game further and a cohort have completed their FA Refereeing qualification through Birmingham County, we were proud of being given the opportunity to run a course here at Etone College and the pupils thoroughly enjoyed it. The FA Referee Course is designed to equip new referees with the key skills and knowledge they will need to be able to referee grassroots football matches safely and effectively. The course comprises online learning on the Laws of the Game and face to face training, they also completed safeguarding training and are now ready to implement their new skills and qualification across grass roots football. Well done all.


Etone Football Education Academy take the League Title…

Etone Football Education Academy in partnership with WBA Won the EFL title for the first time since their launch, having come runners up on the previous couple of seasons it was the Academies year to clinch the title and they did so in style losing only two games and achieving a +72 goal difference which is a fantastic achievement. As the academy has developed over the past few seasons the teams have won different cup competitions and AOC league titles but this seasons achievement is the biggest yet as they have beaten established academies from Aston Villa, Wolves and Nottingham Forrest to name a few to the title. Academy Director Mr Petch said ‘the cohort of lads involved have been brilliant, they work so hard and their dedication has been second to none which is both a credit to themselves as well as the academy, two special mentions have to go to the Academy captain Callum Brown who leads by example on a daily basis and J Atkins who was the leagues top scorer with 49 goals’

To top the achievement off the trophy was awarded to the academy during the EFL Championship playoff final at Wembley stadium in front of 80,000 people, a great experience for the lads.


Etone’s Got Talent 2024 Results

Thursday, 4th July saw an amazing turnout for Etone’s got Talent! 2024.  Etone’s Choir and Dance Squad opened each act before a fierce battle commenced to be crowned the winner.  From comedy, to bands, from singing to dance, from impressionists to acrobatics, from violinists to rap, Etone has it all!

Our esteemed judges – guest judge, Hoop Guy from BGT, ably supported by Mrs Price, Mr Clinton and Mrs Beasley – certainly had a job that few envied as they scored each act and deliberated to choose Etone’s winners.

However the final results are in and after a thrilling night, we have the following to announce…

1st place – A Bindley, year 11 – singing ‘She used to be mine’ (Griffin House)

2nd place – P Holdaway, year 11 – singing ‘Warwick Avenue’ (Dragon House)

3rd place – joint RJB & SYB, year 9 (Centaur house & Griffin house) rapping their own composition ‘Gone Clear’ and E Sharkey, year 7 – singing ‘Six’ (Dragon House)

Well done to everyone involved.  It takes a huge amount of confidence, talent, creativity and skill to enter such a competition and we are immensely proud of each and every one of you.


General Election

Students at Etone College have been exploring the policies and issues of the main political parties for the 2024 General Election. 

In form times, students discussed the different election manifestos, considering policy areas such as the economy, health and education. These discussions helped students to reach conclusions as to which parties would be best to vote for in the Etone Mock Election on Friday 28th June. 

During the Monday Period 1 Learning for Life lessons, students learned about the election process – the voting system used for the election, the rules regarding the election process, and the election timetable. 

Students also attended General Election assemblies delivered by Mr Bonner and Ms Daffern, where the main party leaders and their core values were presented. 

On Thursday 27th June, fifteen Year 9 students went to the University of Birmingham with Mr Bonner and Mr Barclay-Elliott to attend a Future Voters Forum. At this event, students were invited in groups to create their own political parties, with their own distinct ideological beliefs. Students were also involved in a Mock Parliament debate, to decide whether to support Votes at 16, or compulsory National Service. 

On Friday 28th June, students voted during form time in Etone’s Mock General Election, with completed ballots sent down to the ballot boxes at reception and the careers office. These votes were verified and counted by our School Councillors on Monday 1st July, with the results shared and declared during form time on Thursday 4th July. 

It was great to see students engaging in this process and voting in a democratic mock election. 


Sports Awards

The following students were all selected by PE staff to complete their multiskills award due to their fantastic leadership in lessons.

 They are now multiskills coaches and will be leading in lessons and in extra curricular clubs.

Yesterday, they took part in a whole day training event where they had to plan, lead and evaluate their own sessions. They all worked very hard throughout the day developing their understanding of the role and how to cater for all pupils when designing a session.

Well done to all!



Our A-Level Historians spent the glorious hottest day of the year in Naseby, learning about the British Civil War from a veteran. Retracing the footsteps of King Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, the girls experienced the battle in real time and particularly enjoyed meeting a Cavalier, wearing Stuart armour and handling a musket…all while soaking up the sunshine! The hosts also commented on how well the girls represented Etone – well done all 🙂 


Engaging with Our Future Students – Primary Outreach at Middlemarch Primary 

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news about our recent primary outreach program at Middlemarch Primary School. 

Our very own Miss Greenhalgh has been busy delivering a series of engaging and educational sessions to the Year 6 students, preparing them for a “trip” to Germany. Over the past few weeks, the pupils have immersed themselves in various activities designed to enhance their learning experience. They learned how to order tickets using their number skills, which not only improved their mathematical abilities but also introduced them to real-life scenarios in a foreign country. 

The sessions included practical lessons on what to pack for a trip, ensuring they are well-prepared and organised. One of the highlights of the program was the visit to a zoo lesson and our session on a restaurant in Germany. The pupils learned the German names for different animals and food items, making the experience both educational and enjoyable. To encourage speaking in German, the students collected stamps in their “passports” for each time they used the language, which motivated them to practice and improve their skills.

The feedback from the Year 6 pupils has been overwhelmingly positive. They expressed how much they loved the sessions, particularly enjoying learning the German words for animals, food, and, of course, the infamous Schnappi das kleine Krokodil song! This program has not only equipped them with valuable language skills but also sparked excitement for their continued journey at Etone in September. We are incredibly proud of Miss Greenhalgh’s efforts and the enthusiasm shown by the Middlemarch Primary pupils. This outreach initiative has not only fostered a love for learning but also built a strong foundation for their future education at our high school. We can’t wait to welcome these bright and eager students to Etone in the new academic year.


Etone College Pupil’s Perspective: Our MFL Inter-Trust Futbol Victory!

Hey everyone,

I’m excited to share our amazing experience at the MFL Matrix Academy Trust Futbol Competition this year! Not only did Etone College come out on top, but we also learned so much along the way. 

At first, I wasn’t sure about taking French next year. But this competition changed everything for me. We had to give speeches in French about different Francophone countries. It was nerve-wracking but really fun. During the football matches, we used French words to direct our team. It was incredible to see how well we worked together and communicated, and we didn’t concede a single goal!

We realised how football and French can be linked. Using French on the field made us think faster and work better as a team. We even had a special guest from Futbol Lingo, who gave a speech about why learning languages is important for sporting success.

Playing against other schools in the trust, we welcomed a few girls from DEC and a few lads from Smestow to our team. They quickly became part of our group, and it felt great to make new friends while playing the game we love.

Now, I can’t wait to take French next year. This experience taught us that knowing French can help us become successful footballers and be part of the global football community.

Thanks for reading!

B. Harris, Y9


Etone Give £10,000 in Three Years

Etone College has always been on a mission to raise as much as possible for charity and provide support within the local and national community. With the launch of a new Community Initiative programme back in September 2021 the school has worked hard to support the local area raising funds for national campaigns: Mind, Anti-Bullying Alliance, Comic Relief, Jeans for Jeans, Children in Need, Salvation Army, British Legion, Macmillan to name just a few. 

Our Community Champions do a tremendous job of making sure the word is spread far and wide and there is always a strong sense of achievement from this crack team of community givers, notable for their big hearts and nearly as big Community Champion badges.

Additionally, we have also developed the programme to support our House Charities; University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (Centaur), Guy’s Gift (Dragon), Doorway (Griffin) and Mary Ann Evan’s Hospice (Phoenix). Each of these organisations are local to the area and provide healthcare, support, guidance, counselling amongst many other interventions to ensure that everyone is catered for in the local community.

Our Sixth form have worked together with the main school to support our local foodbank (Nuneaton Foodbank) with our annual food bank collection drives, fundraising days and events. On top of this we work year round to raise awareness or have a community involvement with many areas an organisations.

As part of our fundraising activities students have; Dontate items of food or toys for the Salvation Army Toy Drive, made and sold cakes for bake sales, wore their non-school uniform, taken part in ‘Create a Joke’ competitions amongst other challenges. Supporting this our incredible staff take part in the events such as Etone Bake Off or most recently our humongous challenge to Row to Paris and Back (from the safety of the hall) in support of our House Charities.

These events have always been hugely popular with just the last event alone raising over £1,200 towards the House charities.

We are so proud to announce that with the addition of staff donations towards the Acorn Children’s trust of £500 Etone has succeeded their target to raise over £10,000 in three years. With the current total £10,333.81 and counting this is a truly amazing fete and something we are proud of. A big thank you to all of our charities and supporters. 

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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