Marcus Jones MP Visit

On 11 October 2019, our Sixth Form had the opportunity to host our Nuneaton and Bedworth MP Mr Marcus Jones. As part of our Life Skills Program and commitment to British Values, the theme across our main school and sixth form for the week was “Individual Liberty and the Freedom to Vote”. It was such an opportunity for our students to finish the week being able to discuss both individual and national concerns with our own representative in the Houses of Parliament.

After a brief tour of the Sixth Form, Mr Jones gave a short presentation followed by a question and answer session with our students. The questions were wide-ranging from, “What made you interested in politics to whether he supported a hard stance on Brexit. Many of the Sixth Form will be eligible to vote in the next election and this time was important for them to start the process of engaging with the political process and exercising their democratic right to be part of it

Daniel Dewar, Head Boy said: “My family recently made the decision to leave South Africa and relocate to the UK. I had grown up there but my parents who are of British origin wanted us to come to Britain. It is days like today that make me feel that I can have a voice and will be listened to. I now feel more confident in being able to speak out about issues that are important to young people.”

What really impressed the students was the fact that Mr Jones grew up in Nuneaton and attended local schools. Apart from the ‘political discussion’ the fact that someone from this area can be part of the country’s decision-makers and have a successful career is important to them. It gives the strong message that ambitions and aspirations are achievable with hard work and dedication. Etone College thanks to our MP sincerely for his time and efforts with our students. It has left a lasting impression and above all that their views and opinions matter.

Contact Info

Secondary School
Leicester Road
CV11 6AA

T: 024 76 757300

SENDCo - Mrs K Smith

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

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