We are very proud of our Year 11 and 13 pupils for showing their resilience and self belief as they have begun their mock exams.
This series of exams will be a very important part of the preparation for the summer series. Across this term pupils have been provided with targeted support sessions in their subjects, attended revision seminars and accessed a wide variety of materials from us in helping to support their revision.
Our pupils have shown just how much effort they are putting into their preparations with some pupils diligently using their lunch time for revision. Ensuring every moment counts.
Whilst it is important that pupils are putting in the time to revise, we have also underlined the importance of keeping positive mental health. From our Year 11/13 drop in sessions to our ‘Coping with Exam Stress’ assembly, the message to pupils has been clear from the start.
Please check out our revision materials here: Help your child revise